Støttet av Norsk Kulturråd og Kulturetaten. Åpningstider: Ons - søndag 12 - 16. ​Rådhusgata 19, ​Anatomigården 0158, Oslo

Hilde Svalheim

The exhibition consists of a series of drawings in oil pastels and oil paintings produced in the last two years. The individual paintings have been created over a long period of time, where the time aspect in the production is part of the expression. The motifs consist of couples, families and other small groups of people in everyday and temporal scenes that are easy to recognize themselves in, as we meet them everywhere; on TV and film, in books and magazines. A “We” that we know from all cultures that revolves around belonging and the need not to be alone. In Svalheim’s drawings, the fleeting, the nostalgic, the trivial and the almost banal are reinforced by the motifs. The pictures are made quickly and directly with the childhood drawing technique: crayons on a drawing pad.

Hilde Svalheim (1963, Oslo) has a degree from the Norwegian Academy of Fine Arts and the Oslo School of Drawing and Painting. She has had solo exhibitions at, among others, the Artists’ Association, Eidsberg Art Association, Trafo Kunsthall and Gallery LNM

Foto: Adrian Bugge

Ons – søndag
12 – 16

​Rådhusgata 19 ​
Anatomigården 0158


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