Støttet av Norsk Kulturråd og Kulturetaten. Åpningstider: Ons - søndag 12 - 16. ​Rådhusgata 19, ​Anatomigården 0158, Oslo

Christian Berg Gravningen

The exhibition Campfire consists of paintings on canvas and panels with motifs showing "coming of age" scenes and images from adolescence.

Christian Berg Gravningen examines topics such as adolescence, memories, guilt, isolation and other emotional states, which openly invite the audience to their own associations. He is interested in a type of narrative in the borderland between fiction and reality, where some paintings are based on events from films and photographs, others are based on free imagination. The composition of the images creates a dreamy atmosphere. The wish is for the exhibition to function in the same way as a good pop song, which reflects the listeners’ own stories and dreams.

Christian Berg Gravningen was born in Notodden in Telemark in 1989. He has a BFA from the Oslo Academy of the Arts in 2015 at the Department of Medium and Material-Based Art, specializing in graphic art and drawing. He works primarily with painting in an expressionist tradition, which can be traced back to German artistic movements such as Die Brücke, Die Blaue Reiter, as well as post-impressionism with artists such as Edvard Munch. The works can be read as a symbiosis of the transavantgarden and “new european painting”, and his own joy of drawing and painting. He has a circle of motifs taken from a personal photo archive.



Foto: Adrian Bugge

Ons – søndag
12 – 16

​Rådhusgata 19 ​
Anatomigården 0158


BO er støttet av Kulturdirektoratet og Oslo kommune.

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