Støttet av Norsk Kulturråd og Kulturetaten. Åpningstider: Ons - søndag 12 - 16. ​Rådhusgata 19, ​Anatomigården 0158, Oslo


Abduction - a video exhibition outdoors at Kontraskjæret

Think me not unkind and rude
That I walk alone in grove and glen;
I go to the god of the wood
To fetch his word to men.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Apology poem

Abduction was an outdoor exhibition that was shown at Kontraskjæret in Oslo from 29.10 to 22.11. 2020. In the exhibition, eight artists from home and abroad show their video works in constructions that have been specially designed specifically for this outdoor project, in addition to a work being displayed on BOA’s premises.

Through visual expressions, absurd visions and deviating facts, the artists convey stories about the modern world, civilization and progress. The themes of the exhibition reflect displacement and disappearance, extinction of animal species, climate change, deterioration of meaningful contact between humans caused by social media, disappearance of older technology (FM radio, analog video), erosion of democratic principles and unmanageable acceleration of data and information.


Participating artists:

  • Aleksander Johan Andreassen (NO)
  • Amilcar Packer (BR)
  • Asta Gröting (DE)
  • Dmitry Morozov (RU)
  • Rolf Aamot (NO)
  • Tor Jørgen van Eijk (NO)
  • Tor-Finn Malum Fitje og Thomas Anthony Hill (NO)

Abduction is part of the BOA in Public Space Program (BOA IPSP), which is BOA’s investment in art in public spaces and is supported by Bilfritt byliv.

Glafira Severianova and Ivan Galuzin are behind the exhibition as curators and producers. The two have previously produced the exhibitions Induction (2015) and Deduction (2016) both in Murmansk and Abduction is the latest in the trilogy.

Ons – søndag
12 – 16

​Rådhusgata 19 ​
Anatomigården 0158


BO er støttet av Kulturdirektoratet og Oslo kommune.

BO – Billedkunstnerne i Oslo © 2021.  Nettside av Medienor AS