Støttet av Norsk Kulturråd og Kulturetaten. Åpningstider: Ons - søndag 12 - 16. ​Rådhusgata 19, ​Anatomigården 0158, Oslo

Ane Barstad Solvang

Solar plexus is a sun-shaped network of nerves in the abdomen on the front side of the aorta, the largest artery following the spine through the abdomen. Starting from this point neurons are sending signals throughout the body, following the arteries to all organs. Similar to the manner in which the sun makes the center of our solar system, it’s anatomical parallel makes the center of the human body.

Ane Barstad Solvang’s degree exhibition revolves around the sun. The exhibition is comprised of paintings that describes the study of a sunset: from sun is glowing, brightly until its only trace is its reflection on to the moon. In this manner the exhibition attempts to capture the yearning for the sun throughout the winter year. But also beyond this, the works seek out to establish connections between time and movement, the sun and the body, the universe and (wo)mankind.

Ane Barstad Solvang (b. 1991) works with painting, drawing, writing and installation. In 2022 the German art book publishing house, Colorado Print, published her third book Sporty ponni. Two years prior to this, her comic debut, Frykt og medlidenhet, was acquired through the National library collecting agreement. Solar plexus is her graduating project for the Academy of Fine Arts at Oslo National Academy of the Arts.


Ons – søndag
12 – 16

​Rådhusgata 19 ​
Anatomigården 0158


BO er støttet av Kulturdirektoratet og Oslo kommune.

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